
Suggested Links


Here are some links that may be of use for users of 4DFrame materials. They can be from other users who have activities and experiences to share, companies of interest, even some blogs.



4DFrame users in schools, museums and science centers:

Innovatum Science Center, Trollhättan (English language by clicking on the [Translate] button at the top right of the “Welcome” page)


Swedish Museum of Science and Technology, Stockholm (English language)


Umevatoriet, Umeå (English language)


Vattenhallen Science Center, Lund (English language)




Skaparbibblan (Swedish language)


Unga sociala entreprenörer (Swedish language)




4DFrame in Korea (Korean language)


4DFrame in Korea (English language)



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©2013-2018, Nordic4DFrame AB

Grönviksvägen 6, 185 41 Vaxholm, Sweden


Suggested Links